And now for the longer version...

The 5+ hour drive sort of sucked. Notice the scenery or lack thereof.

But we hung the pink ipod off the rearview and jammed to some Snoop, Coolio and Tupac (briefly) and then a whole lotta Elvis.

The next morning with leftover makeup and glasses - this is the face of VenturaMom at 40.
The highlight of the trip was Vonnie surprising me. She and the Hubby conspired for months and LIED TO MY FACE! Damn they are good. She popped up in Bally's lobby and I had a momentary break with reality. I wasn't really sure what was happening but then it hit me - I sleep with a lying bastard and my best girlfriend is a lying whore. Damn tricksters. Good times, good times.
Welcome to the club! You & Miss V looked HOT! Happy happy to you ;o) We have the bestest friends in the world, don't we?!
YES WE DO!!!! I just love you guys to pieces! Me - You - and Jo are gonna go do a mani/ped drunk party when I come home for my b-day. Good times, good times...
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