Monday, March 12, 2007


I won a lovely prize package from Rebecca, The Major and The Little Monkey for a correct guess about the baby's birth weight or length or date or something. Usually these prize packages turn into a hearty handshake, but noooo....not Rebecca! She went all out and sent a DELUXE (fancy!) PRIZE PACKAGE from the teeming metropolis that is Ridgecrest. Note the stunning design of the t-shirt, the artfully packaged lotion and scrub from the Ridgecrest Spa, the amazing Jesus nightlight, a notepad from the petroglyph museum and the lovely Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake cup. I feel so honored! The Girl promptly claimed the notepad and cup. The Hubby is frightened by the Jesus nightlight and I already stained the t-shirt with hot cocoa.
And Becca, that box of The Girl's clothes I swore I would send when The Little Monkey was born,'s almost on the way (if you count "almost" as still sitting unsorted in plastic bins in the garage).

1 comment:

Monkey loves Kitten said...

You forgot to mention how "classy" the prize package is. :) Glad you are enjoying it.

My kid is growing in a fast way, so anything you do pass along should be in the category of large. And it's not like she's running around naked. Or running around, actually, so no rush!