Wednesday, February 21, 2007


With CNN writing headlines like this, I don't even have to come up with anything witty...

Two clowns shot dead during performance


SUEB0B said...

OMG I was SO going to post that on Linkateria!! Great homegirls think alike.

Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

And being such an in-depth story, we really needed those highlights at the top! Phew!

V said...

I dont want you guys to go leaving out another dead clown, come on now... Im sure you all saw Anna N on the court TV with her high-as-a-kite prego clown act she had down. Give dead clowns credit everyone!

This world can not kill losers fast enough.

V said...

I did consider taking 2 this morning... with a whiskey chaser.