Saturday, December 23, 2006


The washing machine konked out. We spent last night checking them out after I did a quick search online. We bought a new one. And the Hubby & I are thrilled to be getting a $600 appliance for Christmas. Ho fucking ho.

Did I mention the cat had worms? Visit to the vet + shot + updated vaccines = $91. Again with the ho fucking ho.

Is it the New Year yet? Resolution = I am going back to work so we are no longer poor and in debt.

What do I want for Christmas, Santa? Sanity and a savings account. Thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy festivus!

our washer only fills half way now, and the drier just keeps on going, even after the clothes are already way past dry and you have the damn switch set to auto dry, yeah....

You know what would make appliance shopping fun? nothing...except maybe a half a bottle of Rum and liter of Coke, er..Diet Coke in your case. That, or like at the fair, wehre you walk by and the salesman tosses crapat you so you play his rigged game, oh wait, it's already just like that huh?