Saturday, April 29, 2006


Just when I thought I could finally embrace and celebrate my own motherhood, every freakin' Mother's Day advertisement has knocked me upside my head and sent me into the pantry looking for snacks. I belong to the Dead Mothers Club. I guess there is actually a book on the subject, but the title isn't nearly as good...Motherless Mothers.

I am going to delete every email from Bed, Bath & Beyond, William-Sonoma, Amazon, Shutterfly and the like due to their hideously annoying "Perfect Gifts For Your Mom" offers and skip their splash page, too. The next time I see "Doesn't Your Mom Deserve The Best?" in an advertisement (online or off) I am going to go all agro on someone. YES. MY MOM DOES DESERVE THE BEST. BUT. SHE'S. DEAD. ANY QUESTIONS?

Thursday, I sent the following email to the hubby:

Despite the fact you think it is a made-up holiday, Mother's Day is coming up Sun., May 14th. Please come up with a family activity or meal or celebration of some sort (no need to spend much money). You may also include your mother if you want, but I am a mother too, so I don't want to have to be in charge of anything.

I guess I'm just missing my mom a lot lately. But I am still serious about wanting Mother's day to be special. So start thinking. If we are going out to eat, reservations need to be made next week.
I love you.
Your crazy wife,

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