Saturday, January 14, 2006


Am I hip by wearing Crocs? Or am I just wearing ugly shoes? A couple hip mamas that I see at the park have been wearing them, so I asked the hubby for a pair of black Crocs for Christmas. Now I never take them off. They are sooooo comfy. I can wear them for walking or just kickin around or as slippers around the house. I can wear them with or without socks. Note how cute they are with my new pink socks and sassy new jeans... They really are the greatest shoes ever. But my doubts remain. Am I a dork with ugly shoes or a trendsetter? I really want to buy the fuchsia ones. Maybe I can get a matching pair for The Girl. Too much?


Sugarmama said...

They are cute! So cute! I want some, especially because they're only 30 bucks! Thanks for the link. Oh, and I would get some for the Girl, too, but I'd probably get them in a different color so it wasn't TOO much. That's just me, though. My own girl would probably be ecstatic if I bought us matching shoes.

V said...

It is what everyone out here wears ALL the time... BUT I am in the south. So - if you were here you would be "hip", not sure what that tranlates to in the real world you are living in.

Im on the hunt for ones without holes so I can wear them at work - rumor has is they are at Macys.

V said...

PS - I hate you and your cute tiny feet

Monkey loves Kitten said...

They are cute, matching would be too much. Matching is a slippery slope. You could end up with matching Lanz dresses. You don't wanna do that.

Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

Those are neat! I love my Clark's cloggie type shoes, but I must investigate these more. Comfort is key... I wear the slip-on, cloggie type shoes about 90% of the time.

The Girl should have a pair, not necessarily to match, but to say years later "I wore Crocs."

(Birkenstocks gave out the little red&blue tag that I proudly looped on my backpack, back in the day.)